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Apres Ski at l'Arpette, Les Arcs 1800

Every Wednesday throughout winter

featured in Events calendar Updated

If you're ever in the mood for dancing on tables in your ski boots (who isn't?) then L'Arpette is the place to go.

It kicks off every Wednesday at 15:30 when the tables are cleared and the deck becomes a dance floor, with musical accompaniment from DJ Tophe (I can't help but feel an air of French sarcasm here...)

If you want to go all out with the Arpette experience, book yourself into one of their legendary dinners: copious amounts of wine and enough raclette to give any non-regular cheese-eater nightmares for weeks. Yes folks, you have arrived in cheese heaven. But be warned: when the staff tell you it's not possible to finish your half wheel of cheese (and it's a big'un, let me tell you) think carefully about taking them up on their subtle challenge.


l'Areptte Restaurant


Map of the surrounding area